How to Clean a Flat Top Grill Quickly and Easily in Different Ways

A flat top grill can be the star of any home or commercial kitchen, but keeping it clean can often feel like an arduous task. They offer fantastic cooking capabilities, with their large, heated surface perfect for preparing a diverse range of foods.

However, they also require a particular cleaning approach. Regular maintenance isn’t just about aesthetics, it’s essential for hygiene and the longevity of your grill. Plus, a clean one is more efficient and ensures your food tastes its best. This blog post aims to provide you with various effective methods to keep your flat top grill sparkling clean and ready for your next cooking adventure.

Gather the Necessary Cleaning Supplies

Before diving into the cleaning process, it’s vital to gather all the required cleaning supplies. The essential tools for this task include a brush, scraper, a spatula, a cleaning solution (commercial or homemade), gloves, and some absorbent towels or rags.

Just as you’d have your ingredients prepared before cooking, having the right cleaning tools at your disposal will make the task more efficient. Additionally, gloves protect your hands from any harsh cleaning chemicals, while the brush and scraper assist in removing stuck-on residue.

Preparing the Grill for Cleaning

cleaning gril

Safety comes first when preparing your grill for cleaning. Ensure that it’s turned off, and if it’s electric, disconnect it from the power source. Cleaning one that’s still connected to a power source is a potential hazard. After disconnecting, allow the grill to cool down before you begin the cleaning process. Working on a hot one could result in burns or other injuries.

Scraping Off Excess Residue

The first step in the actual cleaning process is to scrape off any excess residue from the grill surface. Using a scraper, scrape off food particles and other residual grime. The secret to effective scraping is to apply firm, even pressure and to work in one direction. Pay attention to those corners and crevices where grease tends to accumulate.

You can use a spatula if a scraper isn’t available, but the latter is usually more effective.

Cleaning with a Grill Brush

Once you’ve scraped off the loose particles, it’s time to bring in your brush. Grill brushes come in various forms, including wire, palmyra, and stainless steel. For a flat top model, a palmyra brush is typically recommended due to its durability and its ability to work well on relatively smooth surfaces. Brushing should be done in a circular motion to loosen stubborn grime and burnt-on food residue.

Using Vinegar and Water Solution

A homemade solution of vinegar and water serves as an effective, eco-friendly, and wallet-friendly cleaning solution. For this, combine equal parts of vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray the solution liberally over the grill surface and let it sit for a few minutes. The acidity in the vinegar helps break down the grease and grime. Afterward, scrub the surface with your brush, then wipe clean.

Removing Stubborn Stains with Baking Soda


Removing Stubborn Stains

Baking soda is truly a versatile kitchen staple that transforms into a cleaning superhero when it comes to tackling stubborn stains on your flat top grill. Thanks to its mild abrasive quality, baking soda can work wonders in removing those tough, stuck-on marks.

To harness its cleaning power, simply combine baking soda with a small amount of water to create a thick paste. Gently apply this paste onto the stubborn stains, ensuring an even coverage, and allow it to sit for a duration of 15-20 minutes.

During this time, the baking soda paste will diligently work to lift the stains, making them easier to remove. Once the designated time has elapsed, grab your trusty brush and vigorously scrub away the now loosened stains. Witness as the combination of baking soda and your brush effortlessly eliminates the remnants of grime, leaving your flat top grill sparkling clean and ready for your next culinary masterpiece.


Built-up grease and oils need a bit more attention. For this, you can use a commercial degreaser or a mixture of dish soap and warm water. Apply your chosen degreaser to the surface and scrub thoroughly. Degreasing is especially critical for preventing potential flare-ups and ensuring your grill continues to function efficiently.

Cleaning the Drip Tray and Grease Trap

haw to clean flat top

Your cleaning process isn’t complete without addressing the drip tray and grease trap. These components collect excess oils and food particles and can become a breeding ground for bacteria if left unattended. Remove the tray and trap, then soak them in warm soapy water. After a good soak, scrub them clean, rinse, and dry thoroughly before reassembling.

Wiping and Drying

After all the scrubbing, scraping, and degreasing, it’s time to wipe your grill clean. Using a clean, damp cloth or paper towels, wipe down the surface thoroughly, ensuring that all residues and cleaning agents are removed. Pay extra attention to any corners or crevices where grease or grime might have accumulated.

Once the surface is clean, it’s crucial to dry the grill thoroughly. Moisture left on the surface can act as a catalyst for rusting, which could gradually deteriorate the quality of your grill over time.

Make sure to use a dry cloth or allow it to air dry completely before storing or using it again. By taking these additional steps to ensure proper drying, you’ll help maintain the longevity and performance of your flat top grill.

Seasoning the Grill

Once your grill is spotless and free of any residue, it becomes crucial to take the extra step of seasoning it. Seasoning serves multiple purposes: it acts as a protective barrier for the surface, preventing rust and corrosion, and it creates a desirable non-stick coating that simplifies future cooking and cleaning endeavors.

The process of seasoning is fairly straightforward. After ensuring it is clean and dry, simply apply a thin, even coating of cooking oil or a specialized grill seasoning product to the entire surface.

Next, heat it until the oil begins to smoke, which usually takes a few minutes. This allows the oil to bond with the metal, forming a resilient layer. Finally, let it cool down completely before proceeding with your next grilling adventure. By taking the time to season your grill, you are investing in its longevity and optimizing its performance for many delicious meals to come.

Explore the pros and cons of stainless steel and porcelain grill grates in our comprehensive guide on how to quickly and easily clean a flat top grill using various methods, making your grilling experience hassle-free.


Keeping your flat top grill clean doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With the right tools and methods at your disposal, you can quickly and easily maintain it in top-notch condition. Regular cleaning not only ensures a hygienic cooking environment but also prolongs its lifespan and improves its performance. So, roll up your sleeves, grab your cleaning supplies, and give it the cleaning it deserves. Here’s to delicious and safe grilling!